SECRIL plus® is a food supplement based on Borage Oil, Collagen, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamins B6. Vitamin B12 and Magnesium.
The synergy of action of its components has been studied to give relief and counteract the accentuation of disorders due to dryness of the tissues.
What is Secril® plus?
SECRIL plus® is a dietary supplement notified to the Ministry of Health, 30 tablets; based on Borage Oil, Partially Hydrolyzed Collagen, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamins B6 and B12, Magnesium, it is useful to provide a supplementary amount of nutrients in the presence of food shortages and increased organic requirements.
It helps to relieve and counteract the accentuation of disorders due to dryness of the tissues from the initial stages. The components of Secril® contribute to nourishing the tissues and protecting them from oxidative aging, maintaining their structural integrity.
1-2 tablets a day

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What are the causes of dryness?
The problem of dryness involves many parts of our body; our body is made of mucous membranes that are indispensable to keep the tissues that are in contact with the external environment wet and elastic, and synovial fluids that have the task of keeping the joints of our body lubricated. The dryness can therefore refer, for example, to the skin, the eyes, the genitals, the joints
All of this, in most cases, is due to advancing age, as the production of mucous membranes tends to decrease compared to the necessary needs. Besides age there are external factors that contribute to decrease the production of mucus causing dryness that in many cases generates inflammation, irritation, pain and infections.
Secril plus® in ophthalmology
Ocular dryness is caused by the lack of tears that represent the lubricant that allows the normal winking of the eyelids without causing rubbing on the cornea, the main consequence of dryness is the ocular inflammation, redness and burning.
In addition to promoting anti-inflammatory action (due to the presence of polyunsaturated fatty acids), the components of Secril guarantee (BIOCELL ™ Collagen II) the stimulation of the endogenous production of hyaluronic acid (present in the vitreous body) and that together with the chondroitin sulfate has the task of preventing aggregation of the fibrins that make up the vitreous body and which are therefore responsible for the myodesopsia more commonly known as “flying flies”
Scientific studies on vitreous degeneration have hypothesized that free radicals generated by metabolic and photosensitizing reactions are responsible for the alteration of both the structure of the collagen and the structure of hyaluronic acid, thus triggering a mechanism of dissociation that leads to liquefaction.
The vitreous liquefaction often causes a vitreous detachment, the consequent proliferation of the mobile bodies (myodesopsis) and possible retinal lesions.
With age, the concentration of enzymes responsible for metalloproteinases, hyaluronidases and chondroitinidases increases and there is a correlation between age and the degenerative process (P. Bishop et al. Age related changes on the surface of Vitreous Collagen Fibrils Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 45 ; 2004 -1041-1046)
The collagen present in the formula, BIOCELL ™ Collagen II bioavailable at 100%, contains high concentrations of hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulfate.
The scientific literature states that once introduced into our body they are transformed into essential fatty acids, ie substances that our body is unable to synthesize and for this reason there is an absolute need to assimilate them through a diet. In turn, they metabolize specific anti-inflammatory ecosinoids prostaglandins E1 which: have an anti-inflammatory action without side effects as opposed to what happens with medicines.
The presence of Biocell Collagene, a 100% natural patented substance that provides a complex matrix of substances that guarantee a nutritive supply that helps our body to maintain the health of the tissues in crucial points such as joint joints, skin and cardiovascular system. It is naturally rich in hyaluronic acid (HA) and a glicular protein matrix cartilage (CMGP) substances that help protect the cartilage from breakage and promote its synthesis. Laboratory analysis shows that Biocell Collagen II naturally contains Type II Collagen Proteins (60-65%), Chondroitin Sulfate (20%), Hyaluronic Acid (10%), Glucosamine and other Proteoglycans that stimulate the endogenous production of hyaluronic acid and therefore helps to keep the skin, vaginal mucosa and joints healthy and well hydrated.
Secril® is therefore useful in all cases of dryness both as a rebalancing of the mucous membranes and as a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and therefore without side effects.
Useful to keep the vitreous body physiologically healthy and slow down its aging.
SECRIL plus® for vaginal dryness
The dryness of the skin is due to external causes (U.V. rays, exposure to irritants or allergens, pollution) and internal causes (aging, menopause, specific pathologies) involve an alteration of the production of the lipid component and therefore of skin hydration. The morphological characteristic of skin dryness is the “scale” or a set of cornified cells packed to the skin surface. The dehydrated skin favors the penetration of the external material with the possible onset of phlogistic forms.
Vaginal dryness is a common problem among women; there, the contraceptive pill and menopause are the main causes of this annoying and painful disorder.
The mucous membranes are structures that lining the internal cavities (eg vagina) they consist of epithelial tissue and a connective tissue.
The reduced or the absence of mucus production due to pathological or external causes can produce irritations, inflammations and infections.
Diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis or Sijongren’s Syndrome sleep autoimmune diseases characterized by inflammation with prevalent joint involvement, often of a chronic type, of the synovium with connective tissue involvement, causing joint pain and mucosal deficiency characteristic of the dryness of the joint membranes.
The formula of the Secril® product has an anti-inflammatory action and a balancing action of the mucous membranes due to the presence of polyunsaturated fatty acids.
The scientific literature states that once introduced into our body they are transformed into essential fatty acids, ie substances that our body is unable to synthesize and for which there is an absolute need to take them through a diet. In turn, they metabolize specific anti-inflammatory ecosinoids prostaglandins E1 which: have an anti-inflammatory action without side effects as opposed to what happens with medicines.
The presence of Biocell Collagene, a 100% natural patented substance that provides a complex matrix of substances that guarantee a nutritive supply that helps our body to maintain the health of the tissues in crucial points such as joint joints, skin and cardiovascular system. It is naturally rich in hyaluronic acid (HA) and a glicular protein matrix cartilage (CMGP) substances that help protect the cartilage from breakage and promote its synthesis. Laboratory analysis shows that Biocell Collagen II naturally contains Type II Collagen Proteins (60-65%), Chondroitin Sulfate (20%), Hyaluronic Acid (10%), Glucosamine and other Proteoglycans that stimulate the endogenous production of hyaluronic acid and therefore helps to keep the skin, vaginal mucosa and joints healthy and well hydrated.