
What are?

The biO-Occhiali™ are not only simple pinhole glasses but are also MULTI-FUNCTIONAL EYE ACTIVATORS with a unique reticular structure such as to be included in a scientific publication, a treatment protocol for vertigo (Prof. Dario Carlo Alpini “Vertigo rehabilitation protocol “Casa ed. Springer) and used by ophthalmology clinics, special clinics, dental centers for dentosophy, postural rehabilitation, etc.

These multifunctional eye activators are in fact useful for facilitating reading in dyslexics, preventing motion sickness, improving posture, relieving neck and back pain, in addition to the purpose for which they were born, that is to rehabilitate visual abilities.

Superior lightness

Superior flexibility

Superior resistance

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What are they for?

The truncated cone holes of these screens, with their particular distribution, IN A RIGHT LINE VERTICALLY AND HORIZONTALLY, ensure that the image of the observed object automatically falls on the most sensitive point of the retina, without the need to focus. In this way, even those who have vision problems, that is, have eyes that for some reason do not focus correctly, can, looking through these screens, see better than with the naked eye. It is possible to test it by removing the corrective lenses, observing an object that cannot be seen well, and then look at it again wearing the biO-Occhiali ™


The holes of these glasses induce the eye to search for the light through them, favoring continuous micro eye movements that constitute an excellent passive gymnastics for the purpose of rehabilitation and relaxation of the muscles surrounding the eye, while the prescription lenses and incorrect visual habits, such as prolonged use of VDUs, tend to stiffen these muscles with negative consequences on visual efficiency.

With the use of these glasses the saccadic oscillation is stimulated and rehabilitated, as recommended by Dr. Bates, in his Method of improving eyesight by natural means.


With a gradual but constant use of the bio-glasses, the vitality and elasticity of the eye muscles are increased as well as the perceptive abilities related to sight, while the eyes are oxygenated, lubricated, the effort is made to focus and reduces tension, heartburn and the sense of fatigue.

All of this can translate into a real visual improvement.

Warning: these glasses are intended as re-educational not only because through them you can see better, but because they induce the eye to move quickly from one hole to another and teach a different and more effective way to use sight correctly.

How they are used

The use of biO-Occhiali ™ must be constant for at least six months and a period of gradual adaptation is required, which varies from person to person. You can start with a use of ten, fifteen minutes a day up to about two hours of non-continuous daily use. They are to be used to look at things that cannot be seen well with the naked eye without any correction.

Additional Info


The biO-Occhiali ™ have no UV screens. They should not be used for driving, for making fast movements, in potentially dangerous situations or when there is not enough light. Instead, they are recommended to read.

If the biO-Occhiali ™ are used in a relaxed way and with the right amount of light, the perception of the grid tends to disappear. Initially they can give a doubling of the image: in this case it is good to stay still, relax the neck and observe a stationary object, breathing regularly without being distracted by the grid. Remove the biO-Occhiali ™ when you are tired of using them, without forcing. Once you have finished using the biO-Occhiali ™, it is advisable to stay a few minutes with your eyes free, before putting on your eyeglasses again.

After a few months of using the biO-Occhiali ™ or as soon as you notice even minimal visual improvement, it is advisable to have your eyesight re-evaluated by a professional.
